Design by Juliette Lepineau
           Poster design by Juliette Lepineu


Photography credits: Anđela Vidić, Hosein Danesh, Ying Liu

How are you? Oh, I am fine, and you? Of course, Yes! Mhm, aha

"Can painting together be a way. A way to have a mutual exchange. An exchange of ideas. A dialogue around a canvas. A dialogue by moving paint. Sitting around a canvas.

The spectator hides behind doors and eavesdrops on the conversation.

During the night we will enter in more than one exhibition, a stage that will be tainted by the mood in the room.
A dynamics of combinations and choices, perhaps all are sweet coinc
‘178. Self-consciousness exists in and for itself when, and by the fact that, it so exists for another; that is it only exists in being acknowledged.’
- Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, 1807

So Hegel says, (self) consciousness can only be gained in relation to the other. We need the other. For recognition. We need mutual exchange to gain recognition. This was written in 1807. For Hegel, this dialectics of recognition is a violent process. In this proces the other has to be, we quote him here, ‘destroyed’.

A: Hegelian moment of recognition. I wonder about this,- if you are recognized? Do you have pre-thoughts on how you want to be recognized?

B: Super good question!

A: From whatever. To be present. To exist. In which way you want to be recognized?

B: Can this also be applied to the paintings?

A: (you’re such a nerd)Jan Verwoert in his text ‘Masters and Servants or Lovers’ questions Hegel’s violent approach. Do we need this violent destruction of ego’s to understand ourselves better? Can recognition be gained only through a power game? Or are there other ways? Other ways to relate. Other ways to relate to the other. Other ways to get recognized. Less violent.


A: I’m here and we can continue. What does colors mean to you?

B: It is not about works, it is what it could be, the interpretation. Works should be what they are, works are paint on a canvas and that is underestimated.

A: If I wear a particular color, it can describe my mood. Give me some kind of identity.

B: Why always color?

A: This in between state. Is it liquid, is it hard, like ice cream.Can painting together be a way. A way to have a mutual exchange. An exchange of ideas.

A dialogue around a canvas. A dialogue by moving paint. Sitting around a canvas.The works take their place in space, seducing your eyes, moving your senses. The spectator hides behind doors and eavesdrops on the conversation. During the night we will enter in more than one exhibition, a stage that will be tainted by the mood in the room. A dynamics of combinations and choices, perhaps all are sweet coincidences.

Bas van den Hurk (Tilburg, 1965)  &  Anđela Vidić (Sinj, 1992)

Over a month were collaborating on paintings at the
Lucebert artist residency in Bergen aan Zee
